Rabbit health checks are an essential part of caring for oour bunnies. You need to check your rabbits are in tip-top condition on a regular basis. Follow our list below for some very simple ways to check your bunnies.
**If you spot any signs or if you are unsure of anything or you feel your bunny is not acting as they normally do, then contact your vet asap. Rabbits can hide their illnesses very well, so the quicker you spot a sign and you act on it, the better.**
## Nose clean & dry?
Check no discharge
##Eyes clean & bright?
Check no runny eyes
##Ears clean & dry?
Check for wax or ear mites (dark crust)
##Give your rabbit a good brush all over
Brush out any matted fur – never cut off matted fur as you could cut the skin
##Skin & fur even & shiny?
Check for dandruff which could be mites
##Feet clean & dry?
Check for sore patches, soiled fur or matted fur
##Check for abscesses/ lumps all over
Especially check around ears, eyes and jaw
##Check for inflamed skin
Red skin patches that feel hot could be the start of an abscess
##Tail & bottom clean & dry?
Use a comb and baby wipes if you need to clean
##Check if scent glands are clean
If there is a dark waxy substance then they need cleaning. Gently use a damp cotton bud or a cotton bud with a bit of vaseline on to remove the substance
##Apply fly strike spray
Rear guard or F10 spray are the most effective. Make a note of when you need to reapply it
##Check droppings
Check no signs of diarrhea or a change in shape & size to droppings
##Check for wet fur around sides of mouth
Could mean dental problems
##Check for small lumps along jaw line
Could be dental problems
##Check if nails need trimming
Shouldn’t be longer than their fur (Please note: This does not apply to the very short haired breeds like rex)